I’ll help you build the foundational skills you need to master the flute

Warmup techniques

Learning proper warm-up techniques is essential for preparing your muscles and getting into the right mindset for playing.

Tone development

I’ll guide you in developing a beautiful, resonant tone. We explore different exercises and techniques to enhance the quality of your sound.

Technical skill development

Building strong technical skills is crucial. I provide exercises that improve finger agility, breath control, and overall technique.

Efficient practicing skills

I teach students how to practice effectively. This includes strategies for time management, goal setting, and focused practice to make the most of their time.

Repertoire building

We work on expanding your musical repertoire. This means learning a variety of pieces that challenge and inspire you, tailored to your skill level and musical interests. 

Equipment you’ll need

  • A flute in good working condition
  • Music stand for practice at home
  • Cleaning cloth and rod
  • Metronome (phone app is fine)
  • Tuner (phone app is fine)
  • Sheet music

Beginner lessons

At the beginning stage, it’s all about learning the basics: balancing the instrument, breathing, making nice sounds, and understanding music theory. This stage can sometimes be overwhelming.

During lessons, I pay close attention to where you might be struggling and help you refocus. We often take a break from the lesson book to concentrate on you and creating beautiful flute sounds.

Competition prep

Your journey will involve a lot of repetition and consistent effort in order to perfect audition and competition materials.

I will help you master your scales, improve your tone, become proficient in sight reading, and understand basic music theory and rhythms.

We will also keep things fun—you will get to pursue personal projects like improvisation, playing your favorite tunes, or creating your own music.


If musical enjoyment is your priority, you’re likely not aiming for perfection but want to play music you love, even if it is just for yourself. However, there are a few essential skills you will need to play the music you want.

If you are a hobbyist, I will assign you instructional work and drills to improve your skills, but I also encourage you to bring in music that matters to you. We can use your favorite pieces as lesson material.

Book your first lesson